Track Order


Check order status

Log in to your account, enter the "Dashboard" page, find out the order number you want to query in the "Order History" list, and enter the order details page, you can see the detailed information of the order, including the order status.

Track the logistics status of the order

Our orders are mainly shipped through UPS. You can obtain the shipping tracking number from the order details or shipping email notification, and then enter the tracking number into the input box below, and click "Track" to track the logistics status.

You can also track the status directly by opening the UPS website or a general logistics track site 17Track to track your order.

Please allow some days after you receive the delivery confirmation email for the system to reflect the status of your order delivery.


Contact us

If there are any problems or questions in the process of tracking the order, don’t hesitate to e-mail us at and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Happy shopping!